Blood and Honour Canada (Club 28) is a tight­knit, culturally in­tune organization operating independently of any religious or political representation. It is the practice of Canada’s Blood and Honour movement to raise awareness of issues concerning our unique and combined European cultures and heritage so that we may preserve and pass on those values to future generations. As an organization Blood and Honour Canada proudly promotes education, physical fitness and self-reliance both inside and out of our membership base believing that in order to secure our cultures and lifestyle as a whole, it is necessary to acknowledge and resolve the issues of each individual who would work with us toward our common goal.

As an organization, Blood & Honour Canada firmly believes that the best and most effective means of accomplishing our goals is through a combination of direct and indirect actions. Understanding the importance of personal interactions as paramount to our success, we extend open invitations to numerous charitable events and social gatherings that we organize and host as a means of educating our guests on current events, supported charities and when possible, to alter some of the negative misconceptions held about our organization.

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